Avoid Unnecessary Brand Publishing Tricks: Best Practices

5 Unnecessary Brand Publishing Tricks to be Avoided

If you are a newcomer in the world of brand publishing, it can be crucial to decide what things can be useful and what not.

In the scenario, a very good practice can be following a famous website that can be read on daily basis. However, even renowned publishers can fall short and adapt sketchy ideas for a few extra views and ad money. As a brand, your focus should always be on enhancing user experience instead of running behind page views and jeopardizing the reputation you have maintained so far. Hence, to avoid such circumstances, we have listed below five unnecessary publishing tricks that a brand should avoid: -

Unnecessary slideshows

There are many popular websites that have put on a slideshow on an entire website, after all, why get one click when you can get 20? Slideshows, if not used tastefully, can irritate the reader up to such an extent that he/she will prefer researching more and selecting competitor websites. Slideshows have the capability to frustrate the readers and make even highlighted or useful content worthless.

Article pagination

Pagination means dividing an article or a piece of content or document into discrete pages and this can be for electronic as well as printed pages. Have you ever started reading a long article and asked to move on to the second page amidst the first one? It is extremely annoying, isn’t it? Wouldn’t you want to read it peacefully at your own pace? The reader might not know that when a website asks them to switch to another page, it is not because the content could not fit in a single page, it is because he wants to get views on other pages of his website too. This is an insider technique done to increase page views and impressions. This practice majorly impacts user experience and should not be used by a brand publisher in the influence of other websites.


Auto-play video advertisements

If you have been a brand publisher for a long time, at one time or another, you must have heard “Let’s subsidize the publishing cost by adding video advertisements!”. Video advertisements are catchy indeed, however, it depends on the user how the readers will experience them. Instead of waiting for the readers to catch a sight of this video ad, publishers put them on auto-play as soon as a viewer lands on a page or website. The commercial starts out of nowhere on the face of the audience just to get extra impressions. You need to remind yourself that you are a brand publisher who does not depend on revenues gained out of video advertisements! One must always avoid putting ads of any kind on the face of the viewer.

Pageview based pay

Without any doubt, revenue coming from performance is an intriguing source of income for a brand publisher, however, he/she should never completely adapt a pageview based pay system. As a brand publisher, you should be interested in metrics like brand engagement and view-through sales conversions. If the system you have adopted encourages you to write content that is off-track, irrelevant, and racy, then you must rethink about it as you are walking on the wrong path as a brand publisher.


Unpaid Labor

In this industry, there are many organizations who hire and rely on numerous unpaid interns to fill their website up or flood it with content to increase the number of views on various pages. If you get exposed for taking advance of young writers who are desperate to get experience in this field, the consequences will be incredibly harmful for your brand’s reputation.